When we sing, we are expressing our emotions and telling stories through the melody and lyrics. When we add BSL sign language we are submerging two worlds together bringing hearing and none hearing people together to express the music in a way which is emotional, passionate and imaginative by animating the meaning and connecting our bodies with our voice and soul.
Our singing with sign workshops teaches you both the vocal techniques and also the sign language to each song delivered which is a fantastic way to not only enjoy the artform but also learn new skills. Singing with sign is an open platform to enjoy music together as a whole.
Staff at the Imaginarium Creative Studios have been delivering tuition for the London College of Music and Media (LCM) examinations for over ten years and our results speak for themselves with distinctions being achieved across the board! Outstanding results! LCM examinations are now also validated to give UCAS points from grade 6+ which are a huge asset to any students wishing to progress onto higher education and are internationally recognised.
The LCM training is taught within a small group setting and all taught in the same session. We offer LCM examinations in musical theatre, popular singing and acting. Training is separated into two sub sections 1) Singing 2) Acting LCM training is an ideal way for any student to train in all three disciplines of performing including singing, dancing and acting. LCM class is perfect for anyone who just loves performing as the exams are completely optional which means students can attend classes for fun and then take the exams if they wish to as an added bonus. Please note students in the LCM class do not take part in the Company shows like the other classes do as they have their own theatrical showcase at the end of the academic year. Any students wishing to take part in our large scale productions must either audition for the Youth Company Detonation Warriors or take part in a dance class to gain a role as a chorus dancer.